Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the riveting drama taking its course of Sai (Ayesha Singh) and Virat (Neil Bhatt) getting married again. While Sai confessed her love for Virat in style Virat too had asked her hand for marriage.
While the Chavan family rejoices over the wedding of Sai and Virat and their union, Patralekha opens up a turmoil by poisoning Bhavani’s mind. All of it has resulted in Bhavani taking the stand of Sai marrying Virat only if she leaves her ambition of becoming a doctor.
The coming episode will see Virat standing by Sai, telling her that her passion for becoming a doctor is big and that she cannot drop it. However, Bhavani’s repeated taunts will force Sai to stop her wedding and walk out, giving an impression that Sai values her medical profession more.
Will Virat support Sai?