Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama during Holi wherein Virat (Neil Bhatt) celebrated Holi with his family. Virat and Sai (Ayesha Singh) had fun moments together, and looked romantic too. All this was possible after Sai mixed bhang into the sweets that she fed Virat.

Now, the coming episode will see Virat getting back to his senses and recollecting that he had a jolly time after eating the sweets. Immediately, he will blame his mother who had fed him the sweet initially. While Ashwini will be hurt by Virat’s accusation, Sai will come and speak her heart out. She will accept the truth that she was the one who mixed bhang into the Ghujiya after which Virat felt lighter. Her only intention was to make Virat have jolly moments with his family, which will be Sai’s explanation. This will make Virat really angry.

What will Virat do now?