Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) giving away Virat’s special gift of the ruby pendant to Bhavani. We wrote about how Virat (Neil Bhatt) tactfully handled the situation and got back the pendant from Bhavani.

Now in the coming drama, Sai will be taking part in a college event wherein she will be dancing along with her classmate. Virat will get insecure and unhappy when he will see Sai talking to him on phone for a long time. He will also indirectly taunt Sai for wasting her time over friends, and not concentrating on his studies.

In the college, Sai will be happy about her rehearsal and will look forward to a successful event. She will want her family to come and watch her performance. However, when she will give them an invite, they will refuse to come to her college.

Sai will openly throw a challenge at her family members, that she will force them to come and see her performance.


What will Sai do?