Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) and Virat (Neil Bhatt) uniting Ninad and Ashwini by celebrating their wedding anniversary. While Pakhi has manipulated Bhavani to hold on to her aggressiveness in ruling over the house, Bhavani has instructed Virat and Sai to get together their room and give the family a kid soon.

In the coming episode, Pakhi will decide to get all the attention of Virat. She will fake a major injury to her leg after an accident and will create a situation where Virat will lift her in his arm and take her to the hospital. However, Sai’s involvement will dilute things and Sai will take Pakhi to her hospital cum college and get Pakhi checked from Pulkit.

Pakhi in the coming episode will fume with anger at Sai’s act, but Sai will be very happy on seeing Virat’s superhero act.

Sai and Virat will have a conversation wherein Sai will tell Virat that he turns superhero for all. She will recollect the incident when Virat had saved Sai and had lifted her in his arm. Pakhi will fume hearing this cute conversation that will happen between Sai and Virat.

What will happen next?