Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the exciting dual weddings of Virat and Sai, Rajeev and Shivani. We have seen big drama erupting during the wedding, of Bhavani putting up a deal before Sai (Ayesha Singh), that if she wants to marry Virat (Neil Bhatt), she has to give up her dream of becoming a doctor.

Virat who was hellbent on marrying Sai, actually agreed on behalf of Sai that she will be a bahu. Virat will ask Sai to trust him, and go with the flow.

Now the coming drama will see Virat opening up to Sai about the manner in which he lied to Bhavani over the deal. Sai will be shocked to see this reaction coming from Virat.

She will dislike it and will want to tell it to Bhavani.

Can Virat stop Sai? Or will Virat and Sai start their new life with a lie?