Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) returning home after settling Shruti (Falaq Naaz) in a lodge. As we know, he has taken the room by introducing themselves as Mr and Mrs Virat Chavan.

We wrote about how Sai (Ayesha Singh) has been desperate at home, praying for Virat’s well being in his dangerous mission. When Virat will finally come home, Sai will be very happy and will hug him.

The coming episodes will see how Virat will try to avoid the whole fact of Shruti and will feel the pressure of guilt torturing him from within. While Sai will be at her lively best and will indicate to how much she missed him, Virat will not be able to reciprocate to her.

Meanwhile, Sai will see Virat getting restless on getting calls from a person by name Shruti. Sai will observe a strange change in Virat and will question him on whether he is hiding something from her.

Will Virat get into a big problem here?