Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai’s (Ayesha Singh) lonely battle to search for Pulkit’s (Yash Pandit) whereabouts, after getting to know of Bhavani, Ninad, and Omkar being the mastermind behind it. She has sent out a threatening letter to them, which gives them the notion that the kidnapper is demanding more money.
Sai’s idea will be that on seeing the letter, they will reach the spot where Pulkit has been kept and she can identify the spot.
Amidst all this, Virat (Neil Bhatt) will call Sai and they will have a cute talk on the phone. However, Ashwini will be near Sai and she would have told Sai to not tell Virat about whatever is happening at home. Sai will be in a dilemma and will want to tell Virat everything. Being in this dilemma, she will start crying upon seeing Virat. Virat will also notice it and will ask her not to shed tears and will ask her whether she misses him this badly.
As we know, Neil Bhatt recently tested positive for Covid-19 and is presently at home recuperating from it.