Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) worrying over the problems of a few in the Chavan house and going out of her way to solve them. The same happened in Devyani’s (Mitaali Nag) life when Sai helped her unite with her husband Pulkit (Yash Pandit). Sai fought against all in the family to give Devyani a happy life.
Now, Sai has taken the next step too to give happiness to Devyani by making Bhavani accept her daughter.
Having done all of it, Sai will now worry about Devyani’s bond with her daughter Harini. As we know, Harini has refused to accept Devyani as her mother, and feels that no mother can be in a state of mind like how Devyani is.
Sai will worry about it and Virat will also get to know about it when he will ask her. Virat and Sai will together try to resolve this issue.
Will Sai get Devyani and Harini together?