Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the stunning developments that lead to Virat (Neil Bhatt) getting injured. Sai’s (Ayesha Singh) return in Virat’s life has not only healed Virat better, but has also given new hope for his future with her.
However, on coming home, Virat and Sai will yet again face the music, as many in the Chavan family will not like Sai’s return. But Sai will yet again handle the war of words and will devote her time to taking care of Virat.
However, Virat will have a problem. Even when he will be open in admitting to the fact that he has been missing her, Sai will not be open with what she would feel. Nevertheless, she will want Devyani Tai to come and have a nice time with them.
Virat will start to wonder how Sai ignores his sweet talk and does not even reply to them.
Meanwhile, Sai will ask Virat if she can plan a get-together at Chavan house with Devyani and Pulkit.
Will there be drama again?