Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) asserting her position of being Virat’s wife in the Chavan household. She has been taking all the humiliations with a pinch of salt, and trying her best to win the love of Virat again.
We have seen how Virat (Neil Bhatt) has been rude and angry at Sai. However, Sai has entered her room. While Bhavani and Pakhi will make their individual plans to send Sai out of the house, Sai will work harder to strengthen her position inside Virat’s room.
The coming episode will see Virat telling Sai that he does not want to see her face. He will separate their cots and will ask her to sleep on the other bed while he chooses to sleep on one. Sai will draw a curtain between the two beds, and will tell Virat that she has found a solution where he need not see her face.
When will Sai’s efforts bear fruit?