Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the engrossing drama of Sai (Ayesha Singh) getting back to the Chavan house in order to win the love of Virat (Neil Bhatt) again. However, she has to meet up with humiliations at every step but takes everything with a smile on her face.

The coming episode will see Pakhi thinking of a way to throw Sai out of Virat’s life forever.

On the other hand, we saw Sai getting into Virat’s room and being adamant about staying there. The coming episode will again see Sai trying to get Virat’s attention by getting closer to him. Virat will not like the fact that he is with Sai and will continue to be extremely rude to her. He will admonish her efforts which will make Sai feel bad.

Can Sai find out a way to win Virat’s love?