Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) and Sai (Ayesha Singh) joining hands to unite Rajeev (Sachin Shroff) and Shivani (Tanvi Thakkar). As we know, Virat will have a game plan in mind and Sai will be proud of him and will call him her ‘hero’.

Now the coming episode will see Rajeev organizing a Ramnavami Jagratha in memory of Nagesh Chavan, late husband of Bhavani Chavan. While the Chavan family will get invited for the event, they will wonder if Virat has organized it.

However, on going there, the Chavans will find out that it is Rajeev behind this event. Bhavani and the family members will get angry when Sai and Virat will propose the union of Shivani and Rajeev.

This will put Virat and Sai in trouble, at the hands of Bhavani.

What will happen next?