Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the stunning drama of Sai (Ayesha Singh) being abducted, post which Virat (Neil Bhatt) has gone to save her. On the other hand, Sai’s confrontation with Sadanand (Vineet Kumar Chaudhary) will give her the clear realization that Virat is innocent, and that he was just protecting Shruti and her newborn. We wrote about how Sai got to know the entire truth, and was shocked to know that Virat was just performing his duty.

The coming episode will see Sai longing to meet Virat and tell him that she knows that he is innocent. Likewise, Virat will come unarmed to the place where Sada has kept Sai. Sai and Virat’s eyes will speak volumes. Sai will yell and tell Virat that she knows how he kept the big truth to himself to help Shruti. Sada’s men will start to beat Virat, and the pain will be seen in Sai’s eyes.

The episode will be emotional to the core with Sai and Virat at a hand’s distance, and longing to unite.

Will they be able to unite?