Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) all set to confess her love for Virat (Neil Bhatt). The wedding ambience of Rajeev and Shivani will be the premise wherein finally, Virat and Sai will confess their love for each other.

The track ahead will see Sai coming with dhol and confessing that she loves Virat. Sai will open up her feelings and will tell Virat that she is crazily in love with him. Virat will be left stunned by Sai confessing her love for him. When it will be Virat’s turn to confess his love, he will ask Sai if she is willing to marry him.

With this, the track will see a great union of Sai and Virat.

The family will announce that Virat and Sai will get married along with Rajeev and Shivani.

What will happen next?