Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Virat (Neil Bhatt) being totally angry against everyone, in his family, including Sai (Ayesha Singh). While he sent Sai out of the room and declared that he is divorced, he did the same to his family members by counting on their mistakes and harsh words said to him.
We wrote about how Virat and Sai wept in loneliness, remembering each other. The coming track will see Virat telling his family that he wishes to move on in life without the help of anyone. Virat will receive enormous help from his friend and he will soon get better.
How will Sai plan to get back into Virat’s life?
Meanwhile, Sai will take things in her stride, and will wipe off her tears and will get confident of winning back the trust and love of her Virat Sir.
Will Sai be successful in this mission?