Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) and Virat (Neil Bhatt) joining hands to get Rajeev and Shivani married. In between all this, Sai is determined to win back Virat’s love and trust. Sai vows that she will make Virat turn around and look at their life of togetherness.
The coming episode will see Virat gearing up for a big event. It will be the last exam for Sai and Virat will be eager that she does well in it so that his promise given to Sai’s Aabha gets fulfilled. Virat will do all that it takes to make Sai study well for her last paper.
After Sai would finish her exam, Virat will give her a big surprise. He will create an ambience dedicating it to Aabha, with his big portrait placed. Virat will tell Sai that with the blessings of Aabha, his responsibilities of Sai are over and that she can now look for her new path and life.
Sai will be shattered on hearing this.
What will happen next?