Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) behaving rudely at Virat (Neil Bhatt) when he went missing from the party he had organized to celebrate Sai’s success in exams. We wrote about how rudely Sai will talk to Shruti and will also cut the phone.

Sai and Virat will get into a major argument in which Sai will question him to tell her who Shruti is. Virat will have tears in his eyes but will tell Sai that he wants to keep her and his family in safe conditions. Hence it is important to not share any truth with them.

Sai will get worried with this word and will probe further to which Virat will hint about being in a problem and that he might end up losing his job.


Will Sai be smart enough to realize Virat’s problem zone?