Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai’s (Ayesha Singh) major struggle in trying to free Pulkit (Yash Pandit). Sai had in fact got to know of Bhavani, Ninad and Omkar’s hand being in his kidnap. Sai was very close to nabbing them, but was not successful.
Back at home, Virat (Neil Bhatt) is finally back after his rigorous training. However, as per the promise given to Pulkit, she will not tell anything about him to Virat.
Amidst all this, Virat and Sai will have a cute moment, a reunion of sorts during Holi. Virat will scare Sai by holding his gun on her. However, it will turn out to be a water gun.
Also, Virat will give Sai a special gift.
As per a reliable source, “Virat will put a set of colourful bangles on Sai’s hand and will wish that her life becomes as colourful as this.”
Also, Virat will profusely apologize to Sai for whatever wrong he has done on her.
Will Sai be able to tell Virat about Pulkit?