Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) being felicitated at her college for topping the exams. However, Sai is heartbroken as Virat (Neil Bhatt) is not with her on her biggest celebration moment. For Virat, life has been tough as Shruti got into labour at the same time, with a life threat hovering over the kid and the mother.
But when Virat came to the event, he could not meet Sai nor his family.
Now, the coming episodes will see Sai and the family getting back home after the event. With Virat entering the house all will jump over him for an answer.
From his father, mother to Samrat to Bhavani, including Sai, everyone will question Virat on who Shruti is and how she got more important to him than Sai.
Sai will demand an answer but Virat will have no answer to give.
How will Virat justify himself if he remains silent?