Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the engaging new track of Sai (Ayesha Singh) trying to unite Rajeev (Sachin Shroff) and Shivani (Tani Thakkar). For this, she is trying to get the help of Virat (Neil Bhatt).

The coming drama will again see the goodness of Virat and Sai wherein the two of them will join hands for a common cause. As we have already written, Virat got emotional seeing Rajeev and Shivani’s union. Now, Sai will put forth a condition to him that she will not write her exam if he does not help her in getting Rajeev-Shivani married.

Virat will in the coming episode be seen giving Sai his needed support in this big mission. This will only mean that Sai and Virat will again walk on the path of love slowly but steadily.

Will they realize the love they have for each other during this process?