Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the shocking exit of Sai (Ayesha Singh) from the Chavan house. The gutsy Sai has made the impossible happen by uniting Pulkit and Devyani and has not even bothered of how dearly this act of hers has hurt her future. After being kicked out of the Chavan house, Sai as we wrote has gone back to Gadchiroli.
Now Virat (Neil Bhatt) is pained to the core after learning that Sai was always right and she did the best for Devyani. Virat will be embarrassed to the core and will take it upon himself to apologize to Sai.
Virat will be troubled in the mind and will somewhere know that it will be very difficult for him to convince Sai to get back.
But we hear that the confrontation of Sai and Virat will be the next big highlight. Meanwhile being at Gadchiroli Sai will work out ways to get back and settle herself in a hostel and continue her studies.
Will Sai accept Virat’s apology?