Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) making the impossible as possible by making Bhavani (Kishori Shahane) accept Pulkit and Devyani. Even though she has whole-heartedly accepted Pulkit, she has showered her blessings on them by doing all the post wedding rituals.
On the other hand, Sai is thanked by Ashwini for doing what she did for Devyani. Ashwini will get emotional and tell Sai never to leave the house and Virat.
Virat will also plan a special surprise for Sai. Sai will come to the room and will be in for a pleasant surprise when she will be welcomed by rose petals falling over her. She will be all smiles, with Virat’s act. Virat will profusely thank Sai by holding her hand and telling her that she has given him the biggest joy by bringing a smile on Devyani’s face.
The two of them will have yet another private moment that will be filled with love and naughtiness.
Will Virat be able to express his love for Sai?