Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) getting back to the Chavan house in style during the Holika Dahan puja. While we know of Virat (Neil Bhatt) returning to the house as a stranger, we saw some moments between Sai and Virat, wherein Sai announced that their divorce was fake.

The coming episode will see Sai entering Virat’s room. While Sai will gulp every humiliation she gets in the house with a pinch of salt and put up a smile, she will be pained when Virat will refuse to pardon her. Virat and Sai will have a talk wherein Sai will request him to take her back in his life. However, Virat will refuse and will tell her that everything has ended between them. But Sai will be convinced that she will win back the love of Virat.

Can Sai do something that will get her Virat’s love?