Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) trying to unite Rajeev (Sachin Shroff) with Shivani (Tanvi Thakkar). All her attempts yielded results when Rajeev and Shivani had a teary reunion in the jail. Sai was extremely happy for both of them.
The coming drama will see Sai telling Shivani about the next big goal, that to get Shivani and Rajeev married. When Shivani will tell her of the family’s objection, Sai will tell Shivani that she will take the help of Virat (Neil Bhatt) to convince the family for the wedding.
Virat will be shocked when Sai will put forth her idea and will request him to help her at the wedding. However, Virat will be seen in a thoughtful and emotional mood when he will converse with friend Sunny that he was filled with emotions when he saw Rajeev and Shivani uniting. Virat will confide in his friend that he felt so happy from within on seeing them together, but could not express it before all.
Virat will also be seen telling Sunny that when Sai could so very well understand Rajeev’s love for Shivani, why could she not understand his love for her, when he was madly trying to tell her that he is in love with her.
Will Virat find his answers from Sai? Will Virat and Sai get together in this mission of uniting hearts?