Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) protecting and taking care of Virat (Neil Bhatt) after he took the bullet. Under Sai’s care, Virat has gotten better in health. And now, Virat worries about Sai leaving the house again.

Amidst all this, Virat will get to know of a problem in Devyani’s (Mitaali Nag) life wherein her daughter Harini is not accepting her as her mother.

Virat and Sai will meet Harini and will get to know of her birthday arriving. Virat and Sai will decide to celebrate in a grand manner and will also prepare a lot for the birthday.

Virat will be upset and will want things to get better between Devyani and Harini.

At the party, there will be big drama with all the Chavan family members too coming. However, the family will not know who Harini is. And Sai will ask Bhavani to tell the family about Harini’s real identity.

What will happen next?