Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) and Virat (Neil Bhatt) continuing with the story of lies in order to hide the big fact before Bhavani of Sai continuing with her passion of being a doctor.
However, the truth is finally out with Sai blurting it out. We wrote about Sai being tortured at work by Dr Thurat when she got late for the puja at home.
Now in the coming episode, Sai will tell the truth to one and all that she was on the first day of her internship. This will shock Bhavani and all others at home.
Bhavani will yell and call Virat a liar and will even slap him. However, Virat will question Bhavani on why she put such a tough condition when they were about to take their seventh phera.
What will Bhavani’s reaction be?