Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen an engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) firmly believing that Virat (Neil Bhatt) has something to do with Shruti (Shafaq Naaz). When Sai is being felicitated for topping her exams in college, Virat is missing from the event.
Virat is stuck in a bigger mess where Shruti has developed labour pain but is in a serious medical condition.
The coming episode will put Virat under severe stress as the doctor will tell him that they cannot save both the kid and the mother. They will want Virat to choose either one. Virat will be put in a Catch 22 situation as he had promised his friend Sada to take care of Shruti and the kid. Also, with Virat being a nobody in the life of Shruti, he will worry about what kind of decision he can take.
On the other hand, Sai will conclude that Virat does not care for her, when he will miss being at the biggest event of her life.
What will happen next?