Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) returning to the Chawan Niwas after a day’s gap. She had earlier fought with Virat (Neil Bhatt) and Pakhi (Aishwarya Sharma) and had even exposed their relationship of the past to the family.

Now, with Sai staying in the house on Virat’s order, Virat will use this opportunity to know what is in Sai’s mind. He will talk with her and will address the issue of how she feels that she is not important to him. Virat will touch upon various aspects of their life and will observe and notice what Sai replies.

In order to get to the fact of whether Sai gets disturbed if he talks to Pakhi, Virat will play up with words and finally get an answer from Sai that she does feel bad.

Also, he will talk of a mission where his life might again be put in danger, and will derive out of Sai, that she cares for him.

Virat will feel happy to know of Sai’s thoughts.

Will Sai and Virat get to know each other’s minds?