Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the huge drama of Pakhi’s (Aishwarya Sharma) fake letter about Pulkit creating ripples in the family. While Sai (Ayesha Singh) has firmly believed that Pulkit longs to unite with Devyani, Virat (Neil Bhatt) has accepted the new developments that have come before his eye and believe that Pulkit is a fraud with evil intentions.
While Virat has already announced to one and all that the wedding of Devyani (Mitaali Nag) and Pulkit (Yash Pandit) is not happening, Sai will decide to revolt. She will not move away from facts and will pledge to unite them.
However, her confrontation with Virat will be painful. Virat will accuse Sai of creating false hopes in Devyani’s mind. He will also tell Sai that she is so used to having her way that she does not even see what is right and what is wrong, and only wants to be adamant and adhere to what she believes.
Virat will question Sai’s rightfulness and she will be pained.
Can Sai be calm and wait for her right moment?
Meanwhile, the Chavan family will kickstart preparations for the Holi festivity. We had written about Virat and Sai coming close during Holi. However, with Neil Bhatt testing positive for Covid-19, the track will probably undergo few changes. Let’s wait and watch!