Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) being critical after falling over the landmine which resulted in a blast. Sai (Ayesha Singh) has been blamed by the Chavan family for all that Virat went through, and have stopped her from being beside Virat. Pakhi continues to stay with Virat.
Sai who will in the coming episode meet Pulkit to find out about Virat’s health, will be shocked to know that Virat’s heart has been pierced by a nail during the landmine, which needs a surgery. She will be worried as the surgery might lead to a critical heart functioning as the nail-pierced is very close to the heart’s main artery.
Sai will be anxious for Virat. She will weep and pray for his speedy recovery, while Pulkit as a doctor will be very concerned for the surgery’s success rate.
What will happen next?