Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen a major drama with Sai’s (Ayesha Singh) accident and Virat’s repentance for whatever happened. Virat has been feeling guilty for all that happened and has been extremely upset. He has been taking care of Sai, even after knowing that Sai will never forgive him.
We wrote about Sai getting discharged from the hospital and coming to Chavan house to pick up her commodities. However, she will get a warm welcome from everyone at home.
All will be happy on Sai coming back and will tell her that she cannot go to Pulkit’s house.
Sai and Virat will have an emotional talk wherein Sai will feel the pain that Virat is going through. Virat will react in guilt and will ask Sai to hit him. He will also tell her that he feels like ending his life.
Sai will be shocked to see this state of Virat. Virat will indirectly tell Sai that she is special to him.
Will Sai realize her importance in Virat’s life?