Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen shocking drama of Sai (Ayesha Singh) completing the surgery of Shruti along with Pulkit and getting her back to safety. At home, we wrote about how Virat (Neil Bhatt) was cornered by his family wherein he was asked to leave the house if he is not ready to speak up.
We wrote about how Bhavani will ask Virat to choose between Sai and Shruti. Virat will be taken aback and will have no answer.
The coming episode will see Virat getting dug deeper in a pit from where there is no return. He will be asked by his father to get out of the house and never to return even when he dies.
Virat will emotionally make a promise that he will go out of the house never to return or even think of them.
What will happen next?