Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) running from pillar to post to acquire the injection that could save Virat’s (Neil Bhatt) life. As we know, Virat fell on the landmine, which has injured him. Also, shrapnel pierced into Virat’s chest just near the artery, and Virat needs immediate surgery. However, he needs to be administered an injection that could save his heart.
Sai as we wrote, managed to break the company’s commodities to get in and secure the injection. She even got caught for violating all rules by the police. However, the end result was a good one for Sai as she fought against all odds and got the injection on time.
The administration of injection on Virat helped him fight the surgery well. The doctors will come in the coming episode inform all that Virat might just make it, with the surgery being successful.
Now, Sai will pray for Virat’s recovery post which she will tell herself that her fate lies in the manner in which Virat will see her grave mistake.
Will Sai and Virat’s emotional meet happen soon?