Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Savi (Bhavika Sharma) finding Ishaan (Shakti Arora) to be overstressed with his work and wanting to give him a light-hearted moment and make him indulge in something that he loves. As we know, the family is celebrating the 35th engagement anniversary of Yashwant and Surekha. Savi had to prepare a dish for the occasion but since her hands were burnt with the allergic reaction of mehendi, she asked Ishaan to help her out.
The coming episode will see Savi bringing Ishaan to the kitchen to make a dish. Ishaan, as we know, loved cooking during childhood, and used to cook with his mom. Savi will want to recreate this moment and will ask him to make a dish out of brinjal. Ishaan will love making the dish and will show his culinary prowess. Savi will taste the dish and it will be very good.
However, Ishaan and Savi’s happy moments will be crashed when Yashwant and Surekha will object to Ishaan spending time in the kitchen. Savi will be taunted again for bringing Ishaan to the kitchen and making him do chores that only women do.
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin Ep 1154 15th March Written Episode Update
Anvi got very upset and scared seeing Mukul Mama’s advances towards her.
What will happen next?
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin which had Neil Bhatt, Ayesha Singh and Aishwarya Sharma playing the leads had a successful run. The Jodi of SaiRat got famous. Now, the show has taken its generation leap and with it, the leads are changed. Shakti Arora, Bhavika Sharma and Sumit Singh play the leads. Bhavika Sharma playing Savi Virat Chavan.