Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Anvi struggling to breathe free in the presence of Mukul Mama. As we know, Mukul Mama has been eyeing Anvi in a bad way, all through the years. Whenever Mukul Mama is at home, Anvi feels disoriented and uncomfortable. Asmita, her mother knows about it but has been helpless as she has not been able to tell it out to the family, because Mukul Mama is the elder brother of Surekha.
We have seen Anvi falling sick with fever, from the time Mama is home. We also saw her being forced by Mama to attend the mehendi ceremony. During the ceremony, Mama had the audacity to put Mehendi on Anvi and put the letter M on her palm.
The coming episode will see Shikha telling Savi (Bhavika Sharma) that they have the responsibility of cooking Surekha’s favourite dishes on the D- day. As we know, the family has been celebrating the 35th engagement anniversary of Yashwant and Surekha. Shikha will tell Savi that when Isha stayed in the house, the occasion used to be doubly jubilant as Isha and little Ishaan used to team up and cook. Shikha told Savi that Ishaan is a very good cook and that it was a pleasure and joy for Ishaan to cook.
Savi will create a situation where she can bring this light moment into the life of Ishaan. Ultimately, she will succeed when she will be seen cooking the meal along with Ishaan.
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin Ep 1153 14th March Written Episode Update
Savi exposed the fee scam happening at the Bhosale Institute which prompted Ishaan to take immediate action and suspend the culprit.
Will this moment of joy for Ishaan be ruined?
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin which had Neil Bhatt, Ayesha Singh and Aishwarya Sharma playing the leads had a successful run. The Jodi of SaiRat got famous. Now, the show has taken its generation leap and with it, the leads are changed. Shakti Arora, Bhavika Sharma and Sumit Singh play the leads. Bhavika Sharma playing Savi Virat Chavan.