Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Savi and Vinayak waiting to meet each other. As we know, Virat and Pakhi have decided to get Vinayakâs leg treated by the same doctor in Kankauli. Since Pakhi has been busy with her work, Virat decides to take Vinayak to Kankauli. On the other hand, Sai and Savi are waiting eagerly for Vinayak and his father to come. However, both Virat (Neil Bhatt) and Sai (Ayesha Singh) are unaware of the big face-off that they will be having.
As we wrote earlier, Virat and Sai will finally meet. There will be a big shock in both their eyes. Both Sai and Virat will not be able to come to terms that the other has moved on in life. They will react coldly.
Virat will also take the drastic decision of not getting Vinayak treated by Sai. This will leave both Vinayak and Savi in dilemma. They will try to ask their respective parents about what happened.
Will Savi and Vinayak get an answer from Virat and Sai?