Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) leaving the Chavan house without telling anyone. She is heartbroken and on the way, as we wrote, she saves a small kid from danger. But in the process, she falls into a construction site and her head hits against the heavy metal rod.
Virat and Sai continue to have misunderstandings. While Pakhi and Samrat plan to go to Mahabaleshwar for their honeymoon, Virat is struggling to come to terms with Sai’s rude behaviour. Also, Sai has not understood the fact that Virat loves her a lot.
At the hospital, there will be mayhem when Sai’s friends will get to know about her being hospitalized. Sai will have severe head injury and will need immediate brain surgery.
To top it, there will be a loss of blood, and she will need immediate blood transfusion. There will be drama over the hospital trying for donors for Sai.
What will happen next?