Imlie the Star Plus show produced by Gul Khan’s 4 Lions Films has seen major drama with Aditya’s (Gashmeer Mahajani) kidnap. Imlie fought bravely to get Aditya back home. Imlie start started a new journey in the Tripathi house with Aditya’s father accepting her.

Life looks better for Aditya and Imlie. However, Anu’s cruel plan will ruin it for them.

We wrote about how Anu will mix poison in Malini’s food and will create a huge ruckus about Malini trying to commit suicide for the second time. Aditya will feel miserable on hearing this. He will feel guilty and will tell Imlie that he is bringing Malini home to take care of her.

As we know, Malini has had an emotional breakdown before her mother wherein she tells her that she is not able to move in life. She wants Aditya back and will strive for that. Malini will thereby get back to the Tripathi house. Aditya will start to take care of Malini and make her feel comfortable. Imlie will wonder what will happen next!!