Imlie the Star Plus show produced by 4 Lions Films has seen engaging drama with Surya (Sai Ketan Rao) struggling to convince his mother about his genuine interest in seeing Malti happy. As we know, Raghu was found alive and Imlie (Adrija Roy) was arrested for the murder of Monty. On the other hand, Binni stopped her wedding with Surya and told the family about how she was not pregnant with Agastya’s child. The Chaudhary family got to know that Imlie was always right and that they treated her badly.

Surya will in the coming episode, get aggressive and angry at Imlie when he will get to know that the Chaudhary family has understood the true intent of Imlie. He will be angry as his life has been ruined by Imlie. He will keep Imlie captive in a place, and keep her away from the Chaudhary family.

Meanwhile, Dadia and others in the house will call Surya and ask him to make them talk to Imlie. Imlie will realize that Dadia is sorry for all the humiliation meted upon Imlie. Dadia will tell Imlie to forgive them, and they will now want to welcome their daughter-in-law home.

This will make Surya further angry as he will believe that Imlie’s life is filled with happiness again, while he is left barren. He will vow to ruin her life and future.

Imlie Ep 1119 15th March Written Episode Update

Surya arrested Imlie for the murder of Monty. However, it was proved that Raghu was alive.

What will happen next?

Imlie the Star Plus show produced by 4 Lions Films has Adriya Roy and Sai Ketan Rao playing the leads at present. Imlie is the daughter of Badi Imlie and Atharva which was earlier played by Megha Chakraborty and Karan Vohra. As per the present generation story, Imlie who is a bar dancer is married to a rich and well-known person by name Agastya Singh Chaudhary. Imlie faces opposition in her own house owing to her lineage and work done.