Imlie the Star Plus show produced by 4 Lions Films has seen engaging drama with Imlie (Megha Chakraborty) getting to know about Dhairya (Zohaib Siddiqui) being Rudra Rana’s son and the step-brother of Atharva (Karan Vohra). She has promised Dhairya that she will get him his right in the Rana house. However, Dhairya gets brainwashed by Cheeni (Serat Kapoor) who prompts Dhairya to go and snatch his rights.
At the Rana house, Atharva is all set to express his feelings of love to Imlie. However, Imlie is tense as she sees Dhairya at the party. Dhairya threatens to show all the truth by using the projector. But Imlie tries to stop him.
The coming episode will see a tense moment with Dhairya confronting Rudra Rana with the truth. Rudra will be shocked to know that Dhairya is born to Kala. Rudra will try to convey his point to Dhairya, but Dhairya will show his pain and angst in not even getting his father’s name.
Will Imlie stand by Dhairya in this mission?