Imlie the Star Plus show produced by 4 Lions Films has seen engaging drama with Surya (Sai Ketan Rao) getting to see the real cruel face of Raghu Anna. He was shocked to see Raghu pointing a gun at him. We saw Imlie (Adrija Roy) coming in the way to save him and taking the bullet.

The coming episode will see Surya rushing Imlie to the hospital after she is shot. Amidst this, Surya will get to know a drastic truth from Raghu. Raghu will tell Surya the truth related to Agastya’s death and his connection to it. Raghu will tell Surya that Agastya who was driving a car, saw someone from the car opposite to him, point a gun at them. This forced Agastya to take the car on the wrong route which led to the accident.

Raghu will also tell Surya that Agastya was about to be killed by Surya’s enemy, who thought that Agastya was Surya. Surya will be stunned to know that he was responsible for Agastya’s death.

Imlie Ep 1122 18th March Written Episode Update

Surya got a video which proved to him that Raghu was alive and that he was after the diamonds.

What will happen now?

Imlie the Star Plus show produced by 4 Lions Films has Adriya Roy and Sai Ketan Rao playing the leads at present. Imlie is the daughter of Badi Imlie and Atharva which was earlier played by Megha Chakraborty and Karan Vohra. As per the present generation story, Imlie who is a bar dancer is married to a rich and well-known person by name Agastya Singh Chaudhary. Imlie faces opposition in her own house owing to her lineage and work done.