Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha the Star Plus television show produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures has seen engaging drama with the Bajwa household having its own share of problems. Ranbir Singh Bajwa (Fahmaan Khan) was seen coming back after his tumultuous flight episode, saw his mother being was concerned about him. His mother wanted him to take a break from work and enjoy life and also choose a girl for marriage. On the other hand, the Sen household dealt with the differences between the sisters Meghla and Adrija.

We have seen Diljot (Gunjan Vijaya), the daughter of the Bajwa family, suffering from a mental setback. She has been kept captive in the house, and whenever she gets an opportunity, she blames her family for having killed her husband and kid and ruining her love life.

The upcoming episode will see Ranbir making a plan to take his bua Diljot out for some happy time. The family will be worried as Ranbir will be taking Diljot alone. However, Ranbir will assure that the bua will be calm with him. At home though, there will be another commotion as Diljot will accuse her father of ruining her life. Feeling saddened at Diljot’s suffering, Ranbir will question his grandfather and will ask him for the reason behind Diljot’s accusations against her own family. Dadaji will however, keep silent. Ranbir will be determined to know the reason behind Diljot’s tragic life.

What will happen next?

The show produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures, is the tale of Meghla, a singer, and Ranbir a pilot, who fall in love. Meghla hails from a Bengali family, while Ranbir is from a Punjabi background, and with this, the viewers will get to witness a blend of how these two different cultures and beliefs and the attempt of these two individuals at building a happily ever after amid warring families. Furthermore, the story will also focus on how this docile girl who has been an underdog in her life crosses paths with an affluent man.