Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile the Zee TV television show produced by Rose Audio Visuals has seen engaging drama with Reet (Ayushi Khurana) and Raghav (Bharat Ahlawwat) having a major fight over the money Reet took from Mrs Neeta. While Reet kept refuting Raghav’s claim, Raghav’s hatred for Neeta was very much visible when he threw Reet’s phone in such a way that it shattered the mirror on the wall. However, the fact was that Reet had sold her bangles to buy an AC for Unnati at her place.

The upcoming episode will see Raghav and Unnati coming to the Suryavanshi house for the Pagphere ritual. Raghav will see Reet being hurt on her finger and will also spot her broken mobile and the broken mirror in the room. He will be very upset that Raghav had a fight with his sister. He will get angry and will blurt out the fact that Reet sold her bangles to buy an AC for her house. Raghav will be mad at himself for accusing Reet of taking money from Neeta, to which she kept refusing.

Later, Raghav will make a cute gesture of retrieving Reet’s bangles and giving them back to her. Reet will be surprised to see her bangles with Raghav.

What will happen next?

The show revolves around two strong-willed protagonists, Reet (played by Ayushi Khurana) and Raghav (portrayed by Bharat Ahlawat). Reet, a bold and independent reporter from Gwalior, agrees to marry Raghav not for love, but as a “guarantee” for her brother’s happiness. The show is conceptualized by Sonnal A. Kakar and produced by Goldie Behl and Sonnal A. Kakar under Rose Audio Visuals Pvt. Ltd. It promises to bring a fresh perspective on the collision of old-world traditions and the progressive values of today’s generation.