Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile the Zee TV television show produced by Rose Audio Visuals has seen engaging drama with Reet (Ayushi Khurrana) worrying over her destiny as she has not found herself a job yet. On the other hand, Raghav (Bharat Ahlawwat) was guilty of being responsible for Reet losing her job. Meanwhile, Unnati was brainwashed by Sharada to do weird things at her house which will ruin her marital life. Amidst this, Raghav was upset with Reet’s closeness with Mrs Neeta Chawla.
The upcoming episode will see Reet looking for a job. On the other hand, Raghav will plan to get Reet a job but will want to play it carefully so that it does not hurt Reet’s self-respect. On the other hand, Sharada will work towards ruining the lives of Raghav and Reet as well as Dhruv and Unnati. She will get Reet a job in the same channel where Neeta is one of the Board of Directors. She will tell Raghav that Reet has taken help from Neeta to get a job. This will irk Raghav again. On the other hand, Reet will be pensive as she has got a job even without giving an interview.
Will Reet’s job create unrest between Raghav and Reet?
The show revolves around two strong-willed protagonists, Reet (played by Ayushi Khurana) and Raghav (portrayed by Bharat Ahlawat). Reet, a bold and independent reporter from Gwalior, agrees to marry Raghav not for love, but as a “guarantee” for her brother’s happiness. The show is conceptualized by Sonnal A. Kakar and produced by Goldie Behl and Sonnal A. Kakar under Rose Audio Visuals Pvt. Ltd. It promises to bring a fresh perspective on the collision of old-world traditions and the progressive values of today’s generation.