Jagriti Ek Nayi Subah the Zee TV television show produced by Guruodev Bhalla Productions has seen engaging drama with Jagriti (Asmi Deo) being forced to hide the fact that she knows about Geeta (Titiksha Shri) being her mother. At the same time, Geeta too knows that Jagriti is her daughter, but for the sake of everyone’s safety, needs to hide it. Amidst all this, Amol (Vijhay Badlaani) has been tormenting Geeta’s life directly as well as indirectly. Earlier, Amol planned Geeta’s bomb blast. Later, Amol planted the stills of Geeta and Harish’s closeness to humiliate her. We have seen Geeta trying to dig out the truth about the bomb blast and the other mishaps.

The upcoming episode will see Amol’s anger burning large with him planting people to humiliate Geeta. At school, Jagriti will be bullied by the other classmates. Also, when Geeta will come to drop Sapna, she will be a target of Amol’s dirty plan. Amol’s goons will question Geeta’s infidelity which will lead to questions being raised on her needing a Shudhikaran. Dung will be thrown at Geeta for her cleansing her, which will be humiliating to the core. Jagriti and Geeta will try to save each other but will be helpless.

What will happen next?

Jagriti – Ek Nayi Subah, produced by Guroudev Bhalla Productions, portrays the courageous journey of 7-year-old Jagriti, a determined girl challenging the unjust labelling of her Chitta community as criminals. Jagriti, portrayed by the talented Asmi Deo, boldly questions the norms, sparking a spirited battle for her community’s dignity and rights. Arya Babbar returns to TV after eight years as Kalikant Thakur, the village’s powerful and corrupt figure who uses bribery to sustain his illegal activities. His oppressive leadership and exploitation create a dark environment that Jagriti aims to confront, highlighting social injustice.