Jagriti the Zee TV television show produced by Guruodev Bhalla Productions has seen engaging drama with Jagriti (Asmi Deo) meeting her mother Geetha (Titiksha Sri) and getting motivated by her to gain education like other kids in the vicinity. As we know, Jagriti has always had the drive to work her way in life and refuse to be called a Chitta, who is deprived of her basic needs and aspirations in life. We saw Jagriti driven by the eagerness to get her father Harish (Yash Gera) meet Geetha so that he could get convinced of her idea to gain an education.

The upcoming story will see Jagriti take her father Harish to the school where they will see kids going inside the school to study. Jagriti will block the Principal’s way and ask him whether she can get enrolled into the school as a student. Harish will also show a keenness for his daughter’s studies. But as we know, he has been threatened by Durjan for giving feathers to Jagriti’s aspirations to fly in life. The Principal of the school will tell Jagriti that he needs a letter from their Sarkar, Kalikant Thakur (Aarya Babbar) for Jagriti’s admission into the school. It will now be interesting to see a battle erupt between Durjan, Jagriti and Sarkar.

What will happen next?

Jagriti – Ek Nayi Subah, produced by Guroudev Bhalla Productions, portrays the courageous journey of 7-year-old Jagriti, a determined girl challenging the unjust labelling of her Chitta community as criminals. Jagriti, portrayed by the talented Asmi Deo, boldly questions the norms, sparking a spirited battle for her community’s dignity and rights. Arya Babbar returns to TV after eight years as Kalikant Thakur, the village’s powerful and corrupt figure who uses bribery to sustain his illegal activities. His oppressive leadership and exploitation create a dark environment that Jagriti aims to confront, highlighting social injustice.