Junooniyatt the Colors show produced by Dreamiyata Entertainment has seen Jahan (Ankit Gupta) and Ilahi (Neha Rana) finally meeting in the locality. As we know, from the first day of college, both Jahan and Ilahi have been looking for the other as inspiration for their music. Jahan had gotten drawn to the voice of Ilahi while Ilahi was searching for the person who played harmonica so well and in tune.

Now that both Jahan and Ilahi have identified each other, they will decide to work on their musical skill together. Ilahi and Jahan will be seen exchanging their thoughts on music. They will also sing by turns. Ilahi will be so impressed with Jahan’s musical acumen that she will ask him if he can help her raise her bar as singer.

She will ask Jahan if they can do their singing practice together.

Will Jahan accept Ilahi’s proposal?