Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye the Zee TV television show produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators has seen engaging drama with Amruta (Sriti Jha) and Virat (Arijit Taneja) planning big to expose Priyanka’s (Pratiksha Honmukhe) evil deeds and get back the Ahuja property from her. The Ahuja and Chitnis families both cooperated and helped them to achieve their goal. We wrote about the Ahuja family getting back to their house and welcoming Amruta into the house in a grand manner. However, Priyanka and Rajiv who were on the run planned their next big move before they fled the country.

Priyanka attacked both Amruta and Virat in the bank where she came to withdraw her bulk of money. There was a big drama outside the bank where the police team was also present.

The upcoming episode will see Priyanka taking Virat at gunpoint and trying to flee from the place. However, a brave attempt by Amruta will leave Priyanka without her gun. But Priyanka will roar back and will be about to shoot. Amruta will take a gun and will shoot at Priyanka. Priyanka will be dead in this major sequence. Amruta’s self-defence attack will be witnessed by the police team.

What will happen to Amruta?

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, is the Zee TV show produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators. The show will see the return of Sriti Jha as the lead after her successful stint with Kumkum Bhagya. Arijit Taneja who was also in Kumkum Bhagya, will play the male lead in the show.