Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye the Zee TV television show produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators has seen engaging drama with Virat (Arijit Taneja) and Amruta’s (Sriti Jha) lives being in danger. As we know, Rajiv kidnapped Amruta soon after the tragedy of Priyanka’s death. The Ahujas hosted a puja for Amruta from which Rajiv took Amruta. The family is presently worried for the well-being of Amruta. Virat, however, is confident of saving Amruta. He has gone on the lookout for Amruta. Amruta called him and asked him to come to Lover’s Point. We have already written about the cliff drama wherein both Amruta and Virat’s lives will be in danger. If you have missed reading it, you can check it here.

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye Upcoming Twist: Nail-biting drama at the cliff; Virat and Amruta in danger

The upcoming episode will see a big twist in the form of sorrow engulfing the Ahuja house. Both Virat and Amruta will hold a rope and will be battling for their life. There will come a situation where only one can survive the situation. Virat will want Amruta to live. He will leave the rope and will fall off the cliff.


Does it mean that Virat is dead?

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, is the Zee TV show produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators. The show will see the return of Sriti Jha as the lead after her successful stint with Kumkum Bhagya. Arijit Taneja who was also in Kumkum Bhagya, will play the male lead in the show.