Kasautii Zindagii Kay the popular show on Star Plus produced by Balaji Telefilms has seen the nicer side of Rishabh Bajaj (Karan Singh Grover) with him saving Veena (Kanupriya Pandit) from the charge in court.
Prerna (Erica Fernandes) has developed a lot of regard and positivity about Bajaj and it shows in her action and behavior towards him.
So what will this new development lead to?
While the loyal fans of the show Kasautii Zindagii Kay have been missing the Anurag (Parth Samthaan) and Prerna Jodi, it seems like the makers are getting into newer territories now.
So is this the start of a love story between Bajaj and Prerna?
Here are the options for a poll.
Yes, Prerna will slowly fall for the goodness in Bajaj
No, Prerna will never forget Anurag
Prerna and Bajaj will become thick friends and confidantes and nothing more
So get ready to voteā¦
We buzzed actors of Kasautii Zindagii Kay but could not get through to them.